Historic New Carlisle, Inc. hosts four teas a year. Join us for delicious tea sandwiches
and mouthwatering desserts. Teas dates for 2024 are May 8th, July 10th, September 11th and our Christmas Tea is on December 11th at 2:00 pm eastern. Cost is $25.00 per person and pre-paid reservations are required. Contact Dana at 574/654-3897 or click on the link to make reservations and pay online. https://square.link/u/pdyJiAiU
In the Good Old Summertime: Hudson Lake's Heyday Exhibit
Exhibit will run through mid-November
We will be curating an exhibit on Hudson Lake and its history and look back at images
from its heyday as a lake resort. Learn about the Smith Family who built the Hotel Hudson
and popular dance casino as well as other resorts. View items from the hotel and casino
and enjoy the many images from the archives.
​​​Christmas in New Carlisle Cookie Walk and Kid's Crafts
Sunday, December 1st 1:00 - 6:00 pm EST
Join us at the museum during the Christmas in New Carlisle event for our 2nd annual
Cookie Walk. We will also be selling our cheddar and chipped beef cheeseballs.
The New Carlisle Public Library will be on hand to do kids crafts.